DeDNAed Final Webinar Recording
On 17 July 2024, the DeDNAed partners gathered online for our final dissemination webinar, entitled “Uniting disciplines: How DeDNAed combines physics and biology for novel biosensor development”.
Coordinator Danny Reuter (Technical University of Chemnitz) welcomed the participants and provided an overview of the DeDNAed project, its goals and consortium. Then Andreas Heerwig of the Kurt-Schwabe-Institut fÞr Mess- und Sensortechnik Meinsberg e.V. (KSI Meinsberg), explained “DNA origami as a tool for precise positioning of sensing elements towards quantitative SERS measurements”.
This was followed by our CIC biomaGUNE partner Itziar Galarreta-Rodriguez, who spoke about “ssDNA aptamers as biorecognition elements for DNA origami biosensor application”. Staying in San Sebastian, we then jumped to partner TECNALIA: VerÃģnica Mora Sanz explained “Antibody-protected bimetallic nanoclusters as biorecognition and transduction element in a DNA-origami based biosensor”.
The first section closed with Saloni Agarwal of University of Potsdam, speaking about “Characterising binding affinity of bio-recognition elements and their targets using switchSENSE technology.”
After a short break, we returned to Julia Voglhuber-HÃķller of BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (BNN), who outlined “How Safe(-and-Sustainable)-by-Design can support innovations in the biosensor field”. She was followed by DeDNAed project manager Julia Hann, also of TU Chemnitz, who spoke about “Spatially resolved integration of heterogeneous DNA origami nanosystems on nanostructured surfaces for SERS”.
Finally, Aicha Azziz of the University of Le Mans explained “SERS detection of benzophenone using DNA origami hybrids”. The webinar was moderated by Caitlin Ahern of BNN.
The webinar attracted 50 live participants and ended with a Q&A session.
The recording can be viewed below!