DNA Origami Immobilization Video
Peek into the rapidly advancing scientific world of DNA origami and nano-array.Â
In this video, members of the H2020 project DeDNAed demonstrate how to immobilise DNA origami into a nano-array.
We’ll walk you through step-by-step:
- washing
- plasma ionization
- rinsing
- incubation of DNA origami solution
- buffering
- incubation of #goldnanoparticles with DNA strands for hybridization with DNA origami
- air drying
- AFM characterization
Thanks to our partners Julia Hann and Mathis Janssen from Technische UniversitÃĪt Chemnitz; Gunnar KlÃķs from CIC biomaGUNE; Saloni Agarwal from the University of Potsdam; Andreas Heerwig from KSI Meinsberg.
