Ultra-sensitive biosensor using DNA origami developed by 7 European partners
A multidisciplinary team spanning 4 European countries has developed a highly sensitive biosensing platform, combining breakthroughs in physics and biology. The DeDNAed biosensor platform will be used to detect biomolecules, enabling the detection of food toxins or disease biomarkers.
DeDNAed is an EU-funded project launched in 2021 under EXCELLENT SCIENCE – Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), coordinated by the University of Technology Chemnitz (TUC), based in Germany. The consortium is comprised of 7 European partners located in Germany, Spain, France and Austria. Using a total budget of around 3 million Euros, the consortium was on a mission to develop a novel and innovative biosensing platform.

The advantages of such a sensing platform are enhanced sensitivity, versatility and an ultrafast optical approach, allowing for fast detection. Structurally, the DeDNAed sensor is made up of several components and relies on nano-enabled functions of these.
DNA origami is the underlying ânano-breadboardâ allowing for precise assembly and integration of sensing elements and is produced by Kurt Schwabe Institute for Measurement and Sensor Technology Meinsberg e.V. (KSI) in Germany. This enables the sensor architecture to be controlled at the nanometre scale. This DNA origami is, like classical paper origami, folded, but instead of paper it is made from a single DNA strand and can take different 2D and 3D shapes. So-called “sticky ends” enable the surface to function as a nano-breadboard by providing anchoring points for possible functionalizations. DeDNAed uses this to precisely position a biorecognition element (antibodies developed by TECNALIA, Spain and DNA aptamers developed by CIC biomaGUNE, Spain containing atomic nanoclusters; DNA probes and proteins developed by University of Potsdam, Germany) into a hot spot between plasmonic nanoparticles (developed by CIC biomaGUNE, Spain), which places the analyte in an ideal spot for detection. This allows for a highly sensitive sensor, detecting even low concentrations of the analyte using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (University of Le Mans, France). Â

Importantly, the DeDNAed sensor method is not bound to a specific target as an analyte, but allows for detection of a variety of targets if suitable biorecognition elements are used. This enables DeDNAed to provide a high degree of flexibility in the area of application, ranging from applications in the medical sector, such as in vitro diagnostics (example within DeDNAed: interleukin-6) to monitor quality/contamination of edible goods (example within DeDNAed: aflatoxin). In addition, the potential of a transfer of the DNA origami-based sensor platform to flexible substrates for integration into wipe test or medical wearables forms another advantage (task carried out by TUC and KSI).
Alongside the technical development, a project-tailored Safe-by-Design (SbD) concept has been drafted by BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (BNN), based in Graz, Austria. This concept, generated in close collaboration with all partners, considers safety aspects and risk management, as well as relevant standardisation and regulation issues, with a special focus on nano-related safety issues.
Once the project period is over, the consortium will continue to develop the sensor in order to bring DeDNAed closer to commercialisation. Cooperation partners who can provide support, can get in touch via our Contact page.